Socks Made On 88

Socks Made On 88
Socks Made On 88

Saturday 10 March 2012

Market Experience was good!

Brigadier all set up in his glory ready to get his show on the road.....
msb was proud of the display she captured and the arrangement of things worked out very well!
Our very first market experience was good!  It was good in so many ways... the exposure for MrB and Brigadier, and the exposure for us selling as it is a very new concept for us, talking with people, and seeing their interest captured in just stopping by to see the machine working and cranking and to hear all about it. We even had an elderly lady come by and tell us of when she was a young girl of how her family had one (a CSM) and she had knitted on it a couple times. Many passersby touched the socks and liked the feel of them, some asked if we would be coming back. And we also found out that there is a demand for smaller sized woman's and men's socks too. I had one lady say to me that she has a friend that knits hand-knitted socks, but that our socks looked so much nicer!  Many people comments on the bright colours we had, and lots liked the earthy tones we had also.  I was glad we had colours catering to separate groups of admirers.  We put ourselves on the market list to return for a couple months.  Also got a special request order and what really made my morning was that we achieved the objective or met our goal of expected sales for the day. We were so very pleased! We got lots of compliments on the knee highs and was a good attraction too to draw people to our table besides Brigadier himself of course.  We did have a good time was fun!  I wanted to report back here just for a special person so that she could see, YES we did have FUN!  I took a couple of photos of Brigadier all set up and also of our table of socks.  This was a memorable first round to get our feet wet.  The people running the market where all very welcoming and it felt very comfortable there for us. We were among a few new crafters appearing this time.  They too were also very friendly.  We spent 5 hours there, with an hour to set up.  The time went by very quickly so that too is a good first indication that we can do this.  Now we will sit back and ponder on a few things we can do differently, or things to do to improve upon, like more variation of  what sizes we have for next month. We are also going to focus on adding one new surprise item to our table.  I think this item will sell nicely, and add a little less expense to the people interested in making a small purchase. So all in all today, a good morning early afternoon, good enough that we want to and will return!  What more can we ask for?  It may be nice to have another place for exposure too, if we could get out twice a month but we have to investigate into that further.  For now we are very happy just to know we have a place to go in our leisure and pursue selling SOCKS MADE ON 88!  There are two smiling faces and hearts at the household, just being able to  accomplish our goal set out for today. And next time, next month,  we will do it all over again!  A special thank you to my friend Sandy for inviting us!

msb from Socks Made On 88


jmemayfield said...

Yea! I am so glad you had fun and that you met your sales expectation! Off to buy more yarn???

I love the flower!! the Ravelers will be wanting a pattern post haste! Good Job!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys had a great day! What a wonderful display of socks you had! Way to go!

MsB from SOCKS MADE ON 88 said...

thanks ladies!