There was no sock-school in the household today! But tomorrow there will be, with new challenges for each of us to tackle.
MrB plans a day working with the ribber. And msb plans to learn her Kitchener stitching to close the end of sock toes! I will come back tomorrow evening and let you know how both tasks turned out. Hope to post a :-)
msb from Socks Made On 88
MrB is the cranker in this venture. He creates hand-cranked knitted wool socks made on our Circular Sock Machine, we call Brigadier 88! It is the #88th Erlbacher Gearhart Knitting Machine newly made. Me, MsB is the cranky assistant (not) :-) that runs the business side of things,networking,doing the sock tags,yarn ordering,kitchener stitching and more. MrB is studious,and is constantly cranking out new pairs of SOCKS Made on 88! Our story and my blog unfolds here... it all began Jan.3, 2012
Socks Made On 88

Socks Made On 88
Very interesting!! I am excited to follow your venture!! There are a few tools/implements that I am not sure what they are, maybe you need a defintition component lol.
thanks for you input....please tell me what ones are questionable and I will get right on that to explain them. Or even better, I do plan to add some pictures eventually also.
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