Socks Made On 88

Socks Made On 88
Socks Made On 88

Sunday 2 December 2012


It seems the learning process never ends, and I would have to say that is a very good thing when it comes to producing, business and selling.  You learn from what people say, how they react, and the exposure you present, and the feedback you get.  I have learned that we are doing so many things right and that we are on the correct course of action.  Also what I have learned to is to observe!  From observations I am then able to TWEAK!  Today I have decided to do some tweaking within Socks Made On 88.  What am I tweaking?

I am tweaking the wording of my table sign, only one line I have decided to change.  Why did I decide to change it?  I decided to change it as it was too simple, I needed to clarify the statement with more direct information.  So that is now done.  MrB also gave his input and we scanned it to make a master copy.  That was a great idea because it was partly computer constructed and partly pieced together by scrapbooking techniques and now it is one complete scanned page and I have a master to tweak now too at a later date if I need to adjust it in any way in the future.  The wording I changed was about custom orders.  It may have previously given the impression that any custom order could be arranged, and we want to have control of this not them of what they are dictating especially in certain colours.  We want our custom orders mainly to to centre around custom sizing not colouring.  But we will certainly work with the customer to best suit their needs with colours we have on hand.

We have also tweaked our Hold Policy as to present to customers who request this.  They will now have to pay a small fee to hold socks, as we are holding them and they are not coming through and picking them up when they said they would.  Our thinking now is that if they pay a small fee to hold them that perhaps they we carry through with picking the sock pairs up.  We can only try and improve upon that practise.  

Today I have some sock pairs I need to put back into circulation for sale for our next appearance.  They have been lonely not being with friends, waiting to be picked up by a potential owner who did not show up!  Hahahaha

I want to add also by having cards at our table where ever we go, has proven to be very benefical, and also having small notice papers of where  our next appearances will be has also proven very benefical to both us and especially to our returing customers wanting more socks.  Yes, I said returning bought one or two pairs and are wanting more!  Big smile on both MrB's and MsB's face.  What else puts a great big smile on our faces and our hearts is that we are getting more and more emails also contacting us and wanting to purchase more socks.  This tells us that the business cards they are picking up they are actually using and not throwing them in the trash.  

My message today is that tweak, tweak, tweaking is a constant!  I get excited when I tweak!  Tweaking tells me that I learning to read our customers better and they are expressing themselves by the actions they take to correspond with us. Tweaking is important!  

I did all the tweaking had in my mind to do, and I will how this minor little changes pan out with our next appearance.  We don't have a show or a market this coming weekend, we have the Saturday to just us!  We will be a show on December 15th but it is not a craft show.  We will be reappearing at the Old School Bazaar!  We were there previously in July and had a good showing so we are hoping for the same this time round, and very much looking forward to doing it again. You may remember from a past post, this was the event where an 80 year old plus lady was so thrilled to share the room with us.  I hope that she will be there again so that we may talk to her and spend time with her again as she was a very special lady indeed.  With all the tweaking I have done since July, I wonder if it will be noticed?

I have some kitchenering to do sometime today and perhaps I  will even do some tweaking on that process also.  I do a pretty good job but sometimes weird and wonderful things happen and MrB and I work through the situations and figure them out and tackle them to fix them appropriately.  

Enjoy the balance of your weekend everyone!  I have other things to do today also, as I may dig out some Christmas decorations and put some out.  It is December now isn't it?

A little birdie told me, Tweak, Tweak, Tweak!

MsB from Socks Made On 88 



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